This convo shows that because of Eryks im trying to hold everybody for longer, and i did it (about 1,5h later xD) There is also some funny moment.
[00:01] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: lece (im off)
[00:01] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: cya
[00:01] exS Pattie: cya
[00:02] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: albo nie (or not)
[00:02] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: daje skana nortonem (ill give the norton scanning on)
[00:02] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: od 2 miechow
[00:02] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: sie wpieprza
[00:02] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: zeby kompa przeskanowac (it wants to do it for 2 months)
[00:13] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: dobra (ok)
[00:13] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: sherlock
[00:13] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: ja lece (im off)
[00:13] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: hf
[00:13] exS Pattie: sherlock
[00:13] exS Pattie: why
[00:13] exS Pattie: kurwa
[00:13] exS Pattie: sherlock
[00:13] exS Pattie: nie ma czego lepszego? (there is nothing better?)
[00:13] exS Pattie: xd
[00:26] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: nie (no)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: moze byc zdzisiu? (is zdzisiu ok?)
[00:27] exS Pattie: /xf_ban prebenny
[00:27] exS Pattie: ta (ya)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: a czesio? (and czesio?)
[00:27] exS Pattie: ajowszem (ofc)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: -.-
[00:27] exS Pattie: ale nie ten sherlock (but not this sherlock)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: noob
[00:27] exS Pattie: xD
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: sherlock byl kims (sherlock was somebody known)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: a kim byl czesio albo zdzisio (and who was czesio or zdzisio?)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: nikim (nobody)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: takim shayem (a man like a shay)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: kurwa
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: czyli nikim (so it means nobody)
[00:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: >_>
[00:28] exS Pattie: czesio i zdzisiu bili rekordy butelek ''pryty'' w minute (czesio and zdzisiu were beating the records of drinking the bootles of ''pryta - CLICK in one minute)
[little explaination - czesio and zbysio - names which remains only people like him CLICK
[00:47] exS Pattie: gralem jakies 2 vs 2 z lamami polskimi (i was playing fw 2 vs 2 with polak lamers)
[00:47] exS Pattie: i mialem zwale z kolesia (and i was lolling because of 1 guy)
[00:47] exS Pattie: bo typ z ktorym gralem cos zaczal z nim gadac o fps (because guy which played with me had a little convo with him about his fps)
[00:47] exS Pattie: i on nagle wtraca (and he suddenly says)
[00:48] exS Pattie: ze ma na gta 333 stale, to zaczalem sie smiac, ze nawet komp z kosmosu mu nie da 100fps tam, chyba ze pomylil gta4 z 1 czescia i on tekst ze jego karta graficzna z kompem kosztuje wiecej niz moj dom (that he has 333 fps on gta (4) so i started to laugh, there is no pc on whole earth that gives u even 100fps, or you thought it was gta 4 while u turned gta 1 on, then he said that his graphiccard costs more than my house)
[00:48] exS Pattie: a potem (and then)
[00:48] exS Pattie: wyjebalo go z gry (he got disconnected from server)
[00:48] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: multihack?
[00:48] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: xD
[00:48] exS Pattie: niee. ten jego kumpel dostal sms (nee, his friend got a message on phone)
[00:48] exS Pattie: od tego typa (from this guy who got disconnected)
[00:48] exS Pattie: ze mu przegrzala sie karta (that his graphiccard has been overheated)
[00:48] exS Pattie: i mu komp siadl (and whole computer is down)
[00:48] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: hahahahaha
[00:49] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: rotflmfao
[00:49] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: hahahahahah
[01:05] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: scan @ done
[01:06] exS Pattie: ur not going 2 sleep
[01:06] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: true
[01:06] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: /defragmentacja (defragmentation)
[01:26] exS Pattie: du stueck scheisse
[01:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: pierdole (i fuck this)
[01:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: ide spac (im off)
[01:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: ledwo 6% (just 6% of defragm.)
[01:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: kurwa
[01:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: jebie (i fuck this)
[01:27] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: cya
[01:28] exS Pattie: cya
[01:28] exS Pattie: neb
[01:28] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: fu ur bad
[01:28] exS Pattie: ur worse
[01:30] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: ja wlasnie wrocilem (i just came back from toilet)
[01:30] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: z WC (read above)
[01:30] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: cya
[01:31] exS Pattie: nub
[01:31] exS Pattie: (bla bla some messages later)
[01:31] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: lolz
[01:31] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: go on
[01:31] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: anyway
[01:31] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: fo
[01:31] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: ide spac (im off)
[01:31] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try:
[01:31] exS Pattie: cicho (shh)
few messages later
[01:32] exS Pattie: won spac (gtfo, go sleep)
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: ok
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: cya
[01:32] exS Pattie: mam jeszcze
[01:32] exS Pattie: hummela
[01:32] exS Pattie: od spamowania (i've got hummel 4 spamming)
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: NIE (NO)
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: MORDA
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: W KUBEL (STFU)
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: CYA
[01:32] exS Pattie: xD
[01:32] exS Pattie: cya
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: pospamuj go (spam him)
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: na powaznie (for real)
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: ide i nie wracam (im off and i wont come back)
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: hf
[01:32] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: cya
[01:32] exS Pattie: xD
[01:32] exS Pattie: 10 minut
[01:32] exS Pattie: idziesz (ur trying to go for 10 mins)
[01:33] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: bylem w kiblu (i was in toilet)
[01:33] exS Pattie: albo i wiecej (or more)
[01:33] =>PRE<=Bэπйy~o2~gA//Try: cya
[01:33] exS Pattie: no i jebie mi to (idc)
[01:33] exS Pattie: cya